Terence Hill’S Best Movies Without Bud Spencer


Terence Hill’s best movies

Terence Hill’s name is almost synonymous with Bud Spencer, but today we’re not revisiting their joint films, but the work of a skinny guy. Terence’s acting palette is incredibly colorful, when he’s playing a priest he’s a hero of the Wild West, but he’s also playing a cop endowed with superpowers. So check out his most famous performances!

1) Caution, Wild West (1972) – Hero with a Dove Heart

According to his father’s last will, Joe (Terence Hill) is sent to the Wild West in the hopes that he will eventually become a real hardliner there. However, the dreamy-eyed young man despises gunfire, fights, and violence. Instead, he prefers poems, and prefers his bicycle to a saddle. Joe wouldn’t have given up on this lifestyle if he hadn’t had to defend himself against a gunman who was eyeing the same girl as him.

2) My Name Is Nobody (1974) – Anonymous Gunman

No one (Terence Hill), who chose his name after his father’s legendary prank as a child, is tasked by his client as a property hunter to kill Jack Beauregard (Henry Fonda), the nimble old firefighter who has been his role model since childhood. When Jack told her he was giving up on adventures because he just wanted a quiet, peaceful old age. No one thinks the boy deserves one last adventure and arranges for him an unforgettable date with the Vad gang.

3) Super Cop (1981) – Super-powered police officer

Detective David Speed (Terence Hill) discovers a rocket high above, whose nuclear radiation gives him new, extraordinary abilities. Dave now has telepathy. With his newly acquired abilities, he has no trouble detecting even the most mysterious crimes, and if the situation calls for it, he can even jump off the top of a skyscraper. While others would break his neck, not a single strand of his hair would be broken. Magical power is here or there, but a dangerous criminal has lured him into a trap.


4) Don Camillo (1983) – Rollerblade priest

The devil has never seen such a priest: he goes to church on a motorbike. He wore jeans in reverence, and the young couple fell while skydiving. He was crazy about Hawaiian music he heard in church and rollerblading with teenage girls. In his religious arguments, he often uses his fists rather than kind words. He got into a fight with the mayor. A soccer match between Don Camillo’s team (Terence Hill) and the Mayor’s team (Colin Blakely) turns into a massive brawl.

5) Lucky Luke (1991) – Sheriff

In the late 1880s, an agreement was reached between the whites and the Indians. Prairie Dog allowed settlers to pass through his lands, but they could not disturb them or hunt their animals. Here’s how the city of settlers could slowly be rebuilt: Daisy Town. Churches, schools, barbershops, dentists and, of course, pubs also emerge from the ground in a unique way. But here weapons and unwanted people appear immediately. So we needed a sheriff to take care of order, and Lucky Luke (Terence Hill) took on the task, which proved quite daring.

6) Terence Hill – Bud Spencer’s Companion

It’s hard to pick just one movie here. They have appeared in a total of 17 works together – you can read an anthology of them soon – with former Viziball player Bud Spencer, and a huge percentage of them have become eternal classics. They still attract a huge audience each week if they are shown on any TV. Not long ago, I turned on the TV on a Saturday afternoon and no less than 4 stations were playing 4 different Bud Spencer-Terence Hill classics. They know what’s good…
