Sam Elliott Explained How He And Katherine Ross ‘Work’ For Marriage: ‘It Takes Wanting’


Sam Elliott and Katherine Ross have been married for more than 30 years. Elliott believes it takes effort to make it work.

Elliott, who first crossed paths with Ross on the set of “Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid,” talked about his marriage in a 2017 interview with NPR.

“Fresh Air” host Dave Davies said that Sam Elliott had mentioned his marriage to Ross (at the time for 30 years) a couple of times. Davies pointed out that Ross appeared with Elliott in the movie “The Hero.” He begins to ask Elliott how do you guys make your marriage last so long. Elliott interrupts him.

“We – I think really what it boils down to is we love each other, and we work at it,” Elliott said. “And I think more importantly than anything, it takes wanting to be married.

Sam Elliott Said The Two Things He Wanted In Life Were To Have Movie Career, Family

“The two things that I wanted in my life were to have a movie career and to be married, to have a family,” he said. “And it’s an embarrassment of riches that I’ve got both. And unlike Lee Hayden, who couldn’t balance those two things and made such a mess of it, Katharine and I managed to make it work. Cleo’s right along the way with us.”

Cleo is the daughter of Elliott and Ross.

Sam Elliott referenced his Lee Hayden character from “The Hero.” Hayden is an actor in his 70s who gave up his family for an acting career and is dealing with a cancer diagnosis. It’s a heavy role for Elliott to play. He’s balancing that with other roles like in “The Big Lebowski” where he plays opposite Jeff Bridges.


He does a lot of voiceover work in his career. Elliott’s smooth, deep voice is heard in commercials or in movies themselves.

Don’t Count On Getting A Selfie Antyime Soon With Veteran Actor

Elliott might come off a little bit like a curmudgeon when it comes to taking selfies with fans. Let’s just say he’s not a big fan of them.

In talking about selfies, Elliott told Vanity Fair that the Golden Globes had a “circuitous path” to the ballroom. Everyone wanted a selfie with Elliott and all the stars who showed up.

“They didn’t have cameras back in the day,” Sam Elliott said. “It was a lot easier. And a lot more fun. Now it starts with, ‘I’m such a fan.’ Ahh, just cut the sh—, you want a picture.”

But Elliott puts up with the pleas from fans. He realizes that he’s fortunate to be in the movie industry. “It’s not easy, but I’m enjoying it,” he said. “I’m a big boy.”
