Kevin Costner’S Alleged Romance With Jewel: Ex-Wife Christine Baumgartner’S Jealousy Unveiled


In the latest Hollywood gossip, rumors about a budding romance between actor Kevin Costner and folk music virtuoso, Jewel, have gained momentum. The whispers began after the duo was spotted together at a fundraising event in the British Virgin Islands, where onlookers described their interaction as flirty and affectionate.

Costner’s Ex-Wife’s Reaction

As these rumors swirl, Christine Baumgartner, Costner’s ex-wife, has reportedly expressed her disapproval of this new liaison. Despite her public declarations of indifference towards Costner’s romantic pursuits, insiders have hinted at Baumgartner’s latent envy. Baumgartner has even allegedly demanded that Costner keep Jewel away from their children, further fanning the flames of speculation.

Costner’s Alledged Hypocrisy

Adding to the tension, Baumgartner has accused Costner of hypocrisy, as she believes he is flaunting a youthful, overly sexual persona. This criticism comes in the backdrop of Baumgartner’s own past experiences with rumors that she faced during their marriage.


Divorce Settlement

Costner and Baumgartner’s divorce was a high-profile event, marked by a contentious battle over finances. The judge ruled that Costner, who boasts a fortune of $400 million, must pay Baumgartner $63,209 per month for the care of their teenage children. Post the divorce settlement, Baumgartner was spotted in Hawaii with Costner’s friend, Josh Connor, a banker, creating a fresh wave of rumors. However, Baumgartner has firmly denied dating Connor.

As Hollywood watches with bated breath, these whispers of romance between Costner and Jewel, coupled with Baumgartner’s reactions, have added a fresh chapter to the ongoing narrative of Hollywood relationships.
