Itv2 Love Island Fans Threaten Ofcom Complaints Over Latest Dumped Islander


Love Island viewers were left enraged after claiming that Manveer Jabbal was the “wrong boy” to be sent home.

In a shock twist during Wednesday night’s instalment, both Patsy Field and Munveer were booted off the show and fans were fuming and threatened to take their complaint to Ofcom. In the episode, it was down to the girls to get rid of one of the lads in the Spanish villa and the boys were able to return the favour. Despite their anger, it seems Munveer was struggling to make an impact on the show as fans joked that they had “sent a search party” out after the Surrey businessman, due to his failure to secure air time.

But now that he’s gone, fans are fuming. Taking to social media, one person wrote: “Sending Munveer home is actually a hate crime btw, how do I complain to Ofcom.” Another person commented: “Nah they actually sent Munveer home how do I complain to Ofcom.” A third said: “They’re all getting on my nerves. OFCOM!” Speaking of exiting the show, Munveer said: “It’s disappointing but that’s the way the cookie crumbles. I can’t look back and say I wish this happened or wish that happened because I had a good time. I made some really good friends. Obviously I didn’t find the one, which is why I was there but these things happen.”

And speaking on which couple had the best spark, he didn’t hesitate to pout forward Nicole and Ciaran. He added: “Definitely Nicole and Ciaran. When Ciaran talks about Nicole you can tell he gets a little bit flustered and the butterflies start turning. They have a really strong connection but they would be my front runners at the moment.” The drama on ITV2 show has been gathering pace this week as it wasn’t that long ago a love triangle emerged between Ronnie, Jess and Harriett.

Jess looked on as she saw Ronnie ask Harriett to join him in the Hideaway and while in there, the pair shared a kiss – leaving Jess fuming. Furious, she asked him: “Did you just kiss her?” Unable to contain her anger, Jess continued: “Who pulled who for the Hideaway then, you? Are you actually taking the p**s. What did I have a conversation with you the other day. And if you do, come and warn me before you go and do something like that.” This comes after Ronnie and Harriett locked lips during a challenge in front of Jess who was visibly left stunned.


Clearly keen to get more things off her chest about how she felt about Ronnie’s betrayal, she added: “Invited her in there – cheap. She’s f***g cheap and all.” But it doesn’t look as though Ronnie quite realised the gravity of the situation as she claimed that he still wanted to get to know Jess as well as Harriett and his kiss with her shouldn’t ruin things. And so Jess was then forced to remind him once again of how he made her feel. She then said: “You’ve just made me look like an idiot and I don’t think you’ve got a f***g backbone. I don’t think you’re honest about what you actually want.”

Harriett had clearly set her sights on Ronnie as she asked Joey Essex for advice on what to do as she wanted to pursue a connection with the sportsman -but didn’t want to upset Jess. Joey told her to follow her heart as someone in the newly created love triangle was going to get hurt. Jess was clearly over Ronnie romantically as she then told her pals that she wants a man not a boy and branded the pair “desperate.” In a bid to ease tension Harriett tried to speak to Jess but was immediately shut down.

Harriet said: ” I didn’t know that was going to happen.” Refusing to accept her apology, Jess reminded Harriett that she didn’t have to kiss Ronnie. Harriett continued: ” We were going to speak to you straight away. I didn’t mean together, I meant I was going to speak to you, that’s what I was going to do. But I am sorry Jess.”
