It Is The Film Duke Was Hawking In His Well-Remembered Guest Spots On I Love Lucy


Ms. Bacall’s films in the 1970s number exactly two. First in 1974 was the oopulentand multi-Oscar nominated Murder on the Orient Express featuring an all-star cast in the Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot story.

In 1976 Lauren Bacall was top-billed with John Wayne in The Shootist, a minimalist character study western which would prove to be Wayne’s final screen performance. The pair had worked together previously in the 1955 adventure film Blood Alley. It is the film Duke was hawking in his well-remembered guest spots on I Love Lucy.

The Shootist, based on a novel by Glendon Swarthout and directed by Don Siegel, tells the story of the last week in the life of a notorious gunman named J.B. Books (John Wayne). Books attends a trusted physician in Carson City (James Stewart) to have his cancer diagnosis confirmed.

Estimating a two month remaining life span that will end with wretched pain, Books obtains lodging at a boarding house run by the recently widowed Mrs. Rogers (Lauren Bacall). Mrs. Rogers son Gillom (Ron Howard) is a youth looking for his way in life who idolizes the famous shootist suddenly in their midst.

Books is advised by Dr. Hostetler that were he a man of courage facing the ravages of cancer that he would seek another ending. Books sets about putting his affairs in order and arranging a showdown with three villains (Richard Boone, Hugh O’Brian, Bill McKinney) who fancy themselves gunmen of the first order. In this way, Books plans to end their reign of terror and his own life.


During his final week Books encounters and deals with an ambitious news reporter (Richard Lenz), a two-faced ex-lover (Sheree North), a boorish town Marshall (Harry Morgan), a rascally undertaker (John Carradine) and a fellow haggler (Scatman Crothers).

The most important of these relationships is the one between John Bernard Books and Bond Rogers. In their few days together, their sparse conversations are mostly terse and antagonistic. She resent the emotions stirred up by this dying man.

He seeks understanding from someone he instinctively respects. Such an understanding is reached between the two characters through a series of events. There is a violent attack on J.B. Books in the Rogers home. His instinct for survival prevails, and his determination to end things his way.

A buggy ride to enjoy scenery brings an ease to the two prickly personalities. Bond assists John Books as his health begins to fail. They share a brief interlude of Gilbert and Sullivan. They accept each other. They like each other.

The final scene between the two characters is masterfully handled by the veteran performers. John Bernard Books sets out to meet his destiny after informing Mrs. Rogers that on this, the occasion of his birthday, he plans to attend a saloon for a celebratory drink. Bond remarks on the unusually pleasant day for his outing and wishes him the best. He says goodbye and she watches his retreat through the window with knowledge and concern in her eyes.
