Clint Eastwood’S Son Reflects On His Childhood And Early Days In Hollywood


With a Hollywood legend for a father, it would be easy to believe Scott Eastwood had an easy ride to become an actor. As the son of Clint Eastwood, you’d imagine he was born with the so-called silver spo on in his mouth. However, nothing could be further from the truth.


Scott was born when Clint had an extramarital affair with a former flight attendant in California. He was raised by his mother but moved in with his father in his teens.The famous director is well-known in Hollywood for his inability to be tied down. Although he’s been married twice, he was famous for being involved in multiple romances at a time during his younger years. The director has eight children born from six different women. Scott was born in 1986, and his sister Kathryn was born two years later.

According to a report from Techno Trenz, Scott and his sister grew up with their father mostly away. They were raised by their mother in Hawaii. Reportedly, their mother declared them fatherless on their birth certificates.

Scott and Clint eventually made amends while Scott was still in high school. Scott recalled what the experience was like when he got to move in with his father. He described his father’s parenting as strict. “He was tоugh оn me, but it made me strоnger and mоre determined.”

Scott Eastwood Growing Up

Scott grew up to become an actor in his own right. But in the early stages of his career, he did not want to be accused of nepotism. He initially used his mother’s maiden name, but eventually took on the Eastwood name after establishing himself.

Despite his father’s immense wealth, Scott claims to have never received a penny from Clint. Even when he wanted a loan for a truck complete with a schedule for repayment, Clint refused to help his son along.

Clint wasn’t willing to help financially, but Scott does still remember some of the wisdom his father would impart. In a recent appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast, Scott discussed what it was like growing up with such an iconic figure at the head of the table.

“Well…look, I’m stumbling through it just like anyone else in life. You know, you’re taking the information you have and trying to make the best decisions at the time. Speaking to my dad, it’s like there’s a wealth of knowledge in Fort Knox. And you’re just trying to like pull little slivers out when you speak to him,” Scott said.

“He’ll just say things casually like ‘yeah…’ and everyone shuts the f*** up at dinner, you know, finally he’s about to say something. And then he’ll say, ‘well you know back in the ‘60s I was with Frank Sinatra at that place at that time. Oh yeah, and we met her and we did this thing’ and you go ‘wait, what? Did you just say you were with Frank Sinatra?’ Like ‘stop, stop, more, give us more,’ and he’ll be on to something else and you can’t get it out of him.”
