John Wayne’S Hilarious Advice To Michael Caine On The Cusp Of Hollywood Stardom


Sir Michael Caine has had an incredible movie career lasting over half a century. But it was back in 1966 when he starred in Alfie that he finally hit the big time in Hollywood. His first visit to the US was to film Gambit later that year and he’d been put up in Los Angeles’ Beverly Hills Hotel where he ended up bumping into John Wayne himself.

Speaking previously on The Graham Norton Show, Caine said how he’d been put up in this luxury hotel for a week but since it was his first time in Hollywood he didn’t know anybody. As a result, the actor would order caviar and champagne on room service and sometimes sit in the lobby trying to spot Hollywood stars.

The 90-year-old shared: “One day a helicopter landed… and in walks John Wayne in a complete cowboy hat.” To Caine’s surprise, Duke turned to him having recognised him from the movie Alfie.

Wayne told Caine, who was nominated for the Best Actor Oscar for Alfie: “It’s very good son. You’re gonna be a star, kid. But let me give you some advice: Talk low, talk slow and don’t say too f***ing much.”


However, this wasn’t the end of the advice as Duke spotted that the young actor had suede shoes on and told him bluntly: “Never wear suede shoes”. When he asked the Western legend why, he replied: “Because I just told you, you’re going to be a star kid.” And that’s when he explained his seemingly bizarre advice.

Wayne said: “You’re going to be in the Gents’ toilet taking a pee and the guy next to you is going to be taking a pee and he’s going to look and he’s going to go, ‘Michael Caine!’, and then he’s going to pee all over your shoes!”

Caine took this hilarious but invaluable advice from Duke with him straight into stardom.
