Bud Spencer And Terence Hill Saved Lives In Real Life


Bud Spencer and Terence Hill saved lives in real life

There are heroes not only on the screen! Recently a great book about two legendary actors was published, with the help of Levente Király, The Invincible Couple, in which former colleagues, co-stars, cinematographers, direc tor , assistant director, screenwriter, stuntman and stunt double of the acting couple tells about them. personal experience. From these stories, it is clear that the two legends are real heroes in reality.


From the book, we learn that not only Bud Spencer and Terence Hill’s first film, God forgive me, is forever memorable, but also for the son of director Giuseppe Colizzi.

“When God forgave my father, I didn’t! filming, unfortunately I was very young, only four, five years old. What I miss are the long days of waiting at the hotel pool with my brother and babysitter. That’s where Bud Spencer saved my brother’s life.”

– Alessandro Colizzi says in the book.

“I will forever be grateful to Carlo Pedersoli for saving my life. We were in Almeria, in the hotel swimming pool, and as I dived to the bottom, an arm reached into the water and grabbed me. When he pulled out, he pulled me out. asked: ‘Whose child is this?’ I was only three years old then.”

the director’s youngest son, Pier Francesco Colizzi, said. Levente Király’s book also reveals that Terence Hill has always performed his own stunts and is fearless. And his athletic physique has enabled him to do all of this.

“I was also a little angry that he took unnecessary risks. He was a real hero. I heard his wife say that in New York, he saw a woman being abused on the street. and successfully saved her. However, during the scuffle, the assailant stabbed him in such a way that Terence almost died.”

– said producer Josi Konski, who lives in the United States.
