Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9’S Love Triangle Is Dragging Down The Season


Below Deck Mediterranean season 9 has featured a love triangle between Stews Elena Dubaich, Bri Muller, and Deckhand Joe Bradley that’s been dragging the season down tremendously. Throughout Below Deck Mediterranean season 9, Ellie and Bri have been developing a friendship. The pair have been working together well, as Ellie was chosen as Cheif Stew Aesha Scott’s Second Stew and knew she had to work to get Bri up to speed with the processes of a superyacht. Despite the fact that Bri had been struggling in the early moments of the charter, Ellie was able to help her to succeed.

While Bri and Ellie were doing well professionally, their personal relationship was struggling. Both women had discussed who they were interested aboard Mustique, and while the rest of the Below Deck Mediterranean season 9 cast was comprised of attractive crew members, both women had their sights set on Deckhand Joe. While the other Deckhands, Nathan Gallagher and Gael Cameron, had interest in each other, Joe was being sought after by the two Stews without either of them knowing about it. When things came to a head, both Bri and Ellie lashed out in ways that caused serious issues aboard Mustique.

Bri & Ellie Are Both Interested In Joe
The Stews Are Into The Deckhand

Although both Ellie and Bri discussed who they had feelings for aboard Mustique early on in the season, it quickly became clear that both women were more interested in in Deckhand Joe than they’d let on initially. Ellie, who has been working aboard superyachts for the last few years, has found herself gaining traction with the way she works in the hierarchy of the ship. Quickly being named Aesha’s second stew, Ellie was aware that her personal feelings surrounding Joe likely wouldn’t be something she’d let conflict with her work. Instead, Ellie has been flirty on crew nights out alone.

While Ellie has been swallowing down her affection for Joe, Bri has been struggling to keep hers a secret. While she wasn’t clear about the fact that she was interested in Joe, literally telling Ellie that she wasn’t interested in anybody aboard Mustique, Bri knew she was interested in the Deckhand. During a crew night out that left both Stews interested in getting on the dancefloor with Joe, Bri was hurt when he decided to dance with Ellie. Getting jealous and making a scene, Bri decided to put herself out there in a specific way that she knew Ellie wouldn’t.

Bri Ignored Ellie’s Feelings & Hooked Up With Joe
She Didn’t Think Of Ellie At All

Even noticing that Ellie was flirting and dancing with Joe during the crew night out, Bri chose to do something that would hurt her relationship with Ellie while bringing her closer to Joe. When the crew got back to Mustique after the night out, she got into the hot tub with Joe and waited until everyone else left the deck. The pair shared a steamy hookup in the hot tub, with Bri ignoring the fact that she’d seen Ellie actively flirting with Joe just hours prior during their time at the club together. The Below Deck Mediterranean star was selfish.

After hooking up with Joe, Bri was quick to ensure that Ellie knew what had happened between herself and the Deckhand. Even with Ellie ranking in seniority over her, Bri chose to make a big deal over the fact that she and Joe had spent the night together, drawing it out in a way that completely ignored Ellie’s feelings. Bri tried to backtrack and make it seem like she hadn’t really cared about the hookup, but it was obvious that she had been interested in winning Joe in a sense, especially after Ellie had been with him earlier that night.


Ellie Has Been Hard On Bri After Feeling Betrayed
She Struggled To Stay Neutral

Despite the fact that Bri had openly admitted she was jealous of Joe and Ellie’s connection, leading to her hookup with the Deckhand, she tried to make it seem like she didn’t really care after all was said and done. Ellie, who had taken the news with some difficulty, shared with Bri that while she was happy to maintain their professional relationship, she wasn’t sure she could continue a personal relationship with her fellow Stew. Bri, outraged at the idea that her actions could have consequences, tried to swallow down the feelings of irritation and disappointment she had about Ellie.

Throughout the next days of the charter, it became increasingly clear that Ellie was struggling to find a middle ground with Bri. Though she’d said that she wouldn’t be hard on the Stew when it came to matters of professionalism, Bri and Ellie clashed as Ellie had a hard time separating her personal irradiation with Bri from her professional duties. Ellie found herself snapping at Bri about the majority of the decisions she was making aboard Mustique, which tested their relationship and made it clear to the rest of the crew that they were having a tough time moving forward.

Are Bri Or Ellie In The Right, Or Are Both Wrong?
Which One Is In The Right?

While Bri and Ellie both have issues they need to work on with each other, there are some things that have been made clear by the way both women are acting in the moment aboard Mustique. Though Ellie has issues that she needs to work through in order to learn how to separate her personal frustrations with her professional behavior, she hasn’t done much wrong when it comes to Bri. She definitely could’ve been kinder to Bri as they worked through preparing the superyacht for the next charter, but Ellie’s behavior made sense coming from a place of genuine hurt.

While Ellie was struggling with her own issues surrounding the situation, it feels obvious that Bri’s problems are the bigger issue at hand. With Bri consistently dodging consequences for her actions, ignoring the fact that Ellie is trying to help her professionally despite not needing to do so, and actively speaking poorly about Ellie to anyone who will listen, it’s obvious that Bri is more at fault. Rather than owning up to the fact that she hooked up with Joe, in part, out of spite for the situation, the Below Deck Mediterranean star hasn’t apologized for her behavior just yet.
